Villaging and Chicken of the Woods Permaculture Farm teamed up at the recent Life After Fossil Fuels conference to lead this impactful discussion
When I heard that Bridgette Downer of Chicken of the Woods Farm was going to be talking about the spirit of permaculture and how it changes your perspective, I knew we had to connect. Villaging is about changing our perspective from progress = more stuff to progress = more connection and belonging.
We decided to combine our workshops at the Conference and lead two engaging break out sessions.
What struck me is that whether people came for permaculture or Villaging, they were really searching for a different way of life, something that feels more organic and fulfilling.
If you are in Maryland, check out Brigette's permaculture farm, and attend the Annual Sweet Potato Dig. I think you will be seeing more of our collaboration in the future!
