During Covid, I spent a lot more time walking around my neighborhood, and for the first time, so did my neighbors. Some set up chairs in their driveways or open garages and had friends over. Everyone smiled and waved, though we didn't really know each other by name. But it was nice. It reminded me of the time I lived in Cohousing in Seattle. To be known and to be seen - It fills you up.
Extreme weather collided with supply chain failures in the context of disproportionate impacts. I wondered why the US has twice the carbon footprint as Europeans? Are Europeans really more responsible people?
Or could it be that they just live in smaller houses, closer together in walkable communities?
Is it the villages, built for humans, not cars, that make the difference?
Villages: romantic, rustic, fictional or real.
People have always lived in villages.
And they still do.
I began to talk to friends about villages. What can we learn from them?
I became convinced that the humble village may hold the keys to creating
"the more beautiful world our hearts know is possible" *
* Title of book by Charles Eisenstein

Beck with Lucy and Little Red in our backyard in Buellton, some years ago ...
I believe the ability to reclaim our lives from corporate dependence, to see ourselves as capable producers, and to be connected through work to a shared vision of our neighborhood are essential to facing any future we can foresee.
Beck Mordini, Founder
Beck Mordini: Founder, Conversation Starter
Beck Mordini has been a backyard chicken farmer, co-houser, commune crasher and biofuel brewer, though not all at the same time. She is the past founder of Climbing for Life, for at risk youth; Smart Build ICF supplies and Mythic Journaling. Always studying how community works, she most recently used Sociocracy to organize a faith based Climate Action Team of seven daughter circles and over 1000 participants in its first year.
She has worked in the nonprofit sector for over 20 years, including the Executive Director of Legal Aid for Washington Fund and Marketing at the Santa Barbara Botanic Garden. She has spoken to groups of all sizes as part of the Pachamama Alliance effort to share the climate solutions of Project Drawdown.
Beck is the founder of Villaging, a collective effort to shift our view of the American Dream.